It's been a long time and I stop working on this material.
In 2015, Valentino presided over the world of smartwatch apps with an iWatch destination. Subsequently, on the occasion of the Mirabilia Road event in Rome in 2016, Valentino arranged for the creation of an interactive guide app. While, in 2019 and following the restyling of the mobile website in 2013, Valentino commissioned the Evolution project
Following the restyling of the mobile website, Valentino commissioned the Evolution project in 2019. The vision aimed to represent the new face of Italian fashion, but this time in the form of a native iOS app.
The Ui iteration envisaged the study of the new Valentino service in harmony with the recent mobile guidelines, in terms of interactions and choreographic usability.
Thanks the brand new Style Guide I developed so far, I could create an overall document including a first step presenting the viewers an Introduction to Material Design and a Foundation concepts along with Building Blocks overview
Le prototipazioni sono state gestite nel documento di Style Guide 3.1 .
During the review of the Valentino Evolution app, new interfaces were proposed by means of advanced prototyping, as well as interactive and navigable demos that included the new guidelines of the mobile world and according to client requests. The goal was to capture the renewed Valentino brand, exhibit the new collections, events and all the new features within a new face that differed from the version of the previous app.
At the same time it was necessary for such an app to be usable through the latest generation of smartphones. In this sense, the design execution has trained Valentino in the direction of a healthy and balanced design along with the technologies and its customers needs.
Mirabilia Road is your own personal tour guide for the Rome most interesting attractions, landmarks and beyond based on the Fil Rouge conceived by Valentino. Depending on your exact location, users may access auto-play guided audio tours right on the smartphone. They may create their own tours, post photos and share their experiences via social media. This concept was built in order to create tourist journeys by adding an audio trail using a simple interface and inspire others to walk in their footsteps. As they walk, around locations tagged by the users themselves in their journey, their audios launch automatically giving people an immersive experience like never before.
Valentino's dedicated app was designed for the correct use of the "Fil Rouge" route in the city of Rome. This guide aimed to help visitors reach, admire and learn about the points of interest of the Eternal City, Rome. In this regard, many advanced technologies were used such as Augmented Reality, real-time map tracking services and much more to make the visit experience as immersive and real as possible in total autonomy
Based on a preventive study on the Mirabilia Road path, the User Interface iteration gave birth to the interactive experience in its present form. There was no lack of technique and method to innovate the interface in the field of mobility
Following the restyling of the mobile website, and on the occasion of the development of the Evolution app, new techniques and drawing methods were explored with advanced prototyping in order to show an interactive and navigable demo within the newborn smartwatches viewport (Apple iWatch).
In fact, 2015 was a time to study and experiment with advanced prototyping even for these small devices. This way, Valentino was also usable through the smartwatch for carrying out specific operations
The Ui iteration took into account the versatility of the service, in the transition from iPhone to iWatch. In fact, these devices communicate with each other and thus improving the interactive experience with the Valentino world
The design included the innovation of Interaction Design techniques thanks to an interactive and navigable online prototyping. A similar demo was the union of code and design and therefore positioning itself among the most advanced and accurate prototyping of those years. Based on my experience in Motion Design, I produced an animation on the brand aside and included it in the prototype
I designed and developed a simple prototype in order to get a very quick idea of what this service could be in the shape of an ios application applied to an iwatch — Navigate demo here otherwise go full screen
I've been watching the prototyping tools evolving since 2009. Long time, no talk. Check out my post on wireframe 'n' prototype tools to get a better insight
During the implementation of the prototype and on the basis of my experience in Motion Design, the Valentino brand was animated and thus anticipating concepts of components choreography, better known later in the next years (such as for example with Material Design)