I'm actually working on this project. I'll upload content soon
I like curves and I'm not talking about women, but geometry! Canvas stands for a blank space ready to be painted with any idea that would come up to my mind. I know it's a clichè, but I can't help thinking we are the same persons from centuries ago. The only difference is technology, but the action of painting is the same. Tools don't define artists
Like every scientist would say, the sphere is the most common shape to be found in the universe for a simple reason: it occupies a smaller place in the void than any other form. Stars, planets, meteors everything around us gets the shape of a sphere. As the new brand is a digital concept, I included a group of pixel overlapping the "C" of Canvas meaning the new school over the old school
Once the illustration was done, I could animate this trademark to make it alive. The idea behind this brand new Trademark was to simulate an artist painting the canvas, one touch after another one. That's why the motion effects are lines that get filled one step at a time. it would be like a painter that lay down the wires and only then fills the areas. The final touches come with the pixels to reimnd us we're in a digital world