It's been a long time and I stop working on this material.
The idea behind the project was to provide a dashboard interface for use and consumption by the bank's administrative users to search and view data relating to banking services. Conceived and produced brand new Cross User Interface, Dark and Baseline style, in order to supply either personal techinal admininstrators and Presidents with easy access to manage neverending ongoing online services. This project was built using a new Custom App Design System of my own.
During the construction of the system, it was possible to improve the Style Guide as a reference point. As you can see from the video, this custom design system was built from scratch in order to design any type of Interface with editable components (I'm using the Adobe XD technology). It's a system based on Material Design Guidelines. Further details at Style Guide Case Study
The type of data made possibile the exploration of a variety user interface design carrying a different layouts for innovative interaction at along with the technologies. In fact, I studied Dark theme version as well
On the occasion of the design of the Service Dashboard application, new techniques and methods of design with advanced prototyping were explored in order to both facilitate the development process and to center the final result of the product as requested by the administrative user to search and view data relating to banking services. The prototyping was useful to make clear and immediate understanding of the interactions that the staff should have undertaken in the 112 chat room application. The following prototypes were thus presented
Although it wasn't implemented, I created another version of this layout, dark theme according to the rules of Google Design Material
At this entry point the user is facing the reading pattern to check on services running in the background. The ability to access and manage these fragmented services, can be accomplished using this Interface desktop and mobile.
During the concept stage another theme was presented, the color version along with the baseline and dark theme. This particular concept had a different approach to conceive the info architecture and therefore a different interactive pattern