
It's been a long time and I stop working on this material.


The Remedia Consortium is the first consortium for the eco-sustainable management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), batteries and accumulators (PA) at the end of their life. Remedia like others (Ecodom and Erion) is the leading national Compliance scheme for the environmentally sustainable management of WEEE and Batteries. Established in 2005, the Consortium has strongly grown over the years by pursuing the commitment and principles that produce a culture of service and excellence in the management of e-waste, namely WEEE and end-of life Batteries and Accumulators. Renowned at both national and European level for its reputation, quality and operational efficiency, Remedia is a not-for-profit consortium, certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. In 10 years Remedia managed over 500,000 tons of e-waste, with an estimated economic benefit for the country of 140 million Euros.

During the design of the TRex application, prototyping centralized the disposal services: from collection, passing through the transport documentation, up to the closure of the paperwork. Conceived in team and designed the TRex Admin Panel in order to provide the company Remedia administrators with webservice functionalities like creating instances of branch local units and managing relative activities to waste electronic items

Concept Design

Like many other companies all over the country in these first two decades of the new century, Remedia was shifting from paper to digital solutions. Here the goal coudln't be more necessary: translate all the e-waste process from paper to digital. The software web development, under the name of TRex, made this happen. Basically Remedia provides quality, cost-effective and flexible services for the collection, transport and industrial treatment for the purpose of recycling and reuse so as to give a second life to working equipment and transform waste into environmental and economic resources.


This process is organized and managed by a team of employees (desk office staff and drivers) that works within the Collectors area along with other Hub Collectors. The communication between these two worlds create the web services Activities to handle the e-waste starting from the Collection phase, passing by the Transit Points and going to the Treatmanet final phase. These Activities (later properly named as Missions), can be created, edited and tracked down onto TRex section

Style Guide

The design process started off with Foundation rules implementation by taking care of Color System, Typo Scale and a little bit of Brand Identity as well (trademark and logotype). As personality has been given to this brand new application, I moved on to the Building Blocks. I defined them as much as detailed as possible


Interaction Design

In this sense, the design execution has educated Remedia in the direction of a healthy and balanced Design in step with the technologies together with the needs of its staff, and thus effectively entering the new era of modern applications. In fact, the interactive animations ranged over advanced features. Based on the Backlog built so far by the Development team, I could iterate the User Interface from scratch to the perfection level in order to provide the service with the necessary Screen Mockup features as much usable and accessibile as possible


Scenario Board

Having conceived and produced the mockup, i could move on the next design production area of Motion Design. Here I exposed a long list of Flow Interactions to focus on each Patter Ui needed to satisfy the webservice generated so far. Doing so the Scenario Design is giving the idea of what this Prototype could simulate at a glance, before going to the next production phase, Software Front End Development


Flow #01
Accessing the app is somehow the first introduction to the service created. They say dont judge a book by its cover. So I kept this minimal and fancy at the same time


Flow #02
Within this section, a contact list, the employees can organize and manage all the Entities and Companies, the protagonists taking care of the e-waste process


Flow #03
At this entry level, the office staff can create, edit and track down all the Activities related to e-waste processes. Each transportation and legal document (saying the what) can be associate to each activity, which in turns contains all the other informations about the who, when and where a specific mission may occur, already happened, has been aborted (Status)


As this webservice was demanding in terms of usability, the Ui Iteration also included a section where i could explore some of the Accessibility and Usability Engineering such as Tooltip, Voice Hover, Keyboard Mapping, Skeleton, Filtering, Sorting and even Live Card in the style of WindowsPhone7!